Thursday, November 20, 2014

I did it... So can you!!

So you think there's no way you can stick to an "at home" program? Yea, I understand... I started and stopped a few times. No one was there to force me to work out. No one was there to take my hand and drag me to the gym either... Even though I was paying the membership monthly saying "I'll go when things calm down. When I'm not so busy." Money was wasted and I wasn't changing. How many of you have worked out and the next day looked in the mirror saying, "I worked my ass off yesterday, where are my results!?" That was me. Kill it one day maybe 2 and then be over it because now I'm sore and have nothing to show for it! Haha... Sounds silly when you read it hu? Admit it... We've all been there. Maybe not that extreme but you get it. Right?
Welllllll... For me, I hit rock bottom. I hated shopping for clothes. I'd go for baggier clothes to try to "cover" the fat. That really only made me look bigger! I dodged pictures, I'd hide behind people if I couldn't dodge the pictures. I was depressed and I felt so uncomfortable. I didn't recognize the person in the mirror. It wasn't until my husband took the picture on the left. I couldn't believe that was me! Ta da ... Welcome to my rock bottom (everyone's is different. I couldn't hide anymore. I was 177lbs 5'6 and in a size 13/14. So I started juicing, taking a multivitamin and "eating clean." See how that's in quotes. Its kind of a joke. I mean, I believed I was making better choices, but I didn't know the first thing about clean eating. Anyway, jump ahead a few months and a friend invited me to a clean eating/shakeology challenge. Yay! Day 1 of my journey. I was hooked. In 5 days my clothes weren't fitting the same and I was already losing inches. Now jump ahead about another month. I ordered my first challenge pack from Beachbody. It included a 30 day bag of shakeology, T25 and a resistance band. Well... T25 stayed in the box. I started drinking the shakes. That was easy enough. Wouldn't you know... Just replacing one meal a day with this nutrition shake actually got me losing weight! I wasn't really keeping track too much at that point but I lost just under 30lbs in 3 months just from the shakes. THAT was the motivation I needed to pull out that T25. I could hardly get passed the warm up. I kept pushing. My first goal was to complete a full workout.... That took a couple weeks!

You think you can't do this..... You can. You just need to commit to yourself and be disciplined.
You DONT need someone to hold your hand. You DONT need a gym membership.
You DO need the will to better yourself. You DO need to set goals and map out how to get there.

If you've read my blog previously, you probably know, I fell off. Its true. I'm a Beachbody coach and I fell. I stayed down for a few months! But... I haven't failed. I just had to get back up!!

Starting is the hardest part. You need to get moving.
Have you ever pushed a dead car? Freakin heavy right? You push and push and finally it starts moving forward. It gets a little easier doesn't it? It picks up some momentum and gets easier to push. Basic physics.

Still don't believe me? How about a little challenge? I challenge you to try!
Just get started!
You're only able to complete 5 mins of the workout without feeling like you're going to fall over?
Ok!! That's 5 minutes you wouldn't have done. I did the same. So day 1... Just do the 5 minutes. Day 2... Do 7 minutes. Day 3.. Do 10 minutes.... Get it?

Get started now. Next year you will wish you started today. Shoot.... In 30 days you could be 20lbs down and ready for some Christmas pictures! ;)
