One of my favorite things to do every fall is gut the pumpkin and roast some delicious seeds.
Did you know...
Pumpkin seeds are a super food!
They're loaded with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, C, E & B²
They have potassium, fiber, iron, niacin & magnesium.
So basically this little seed holds a word of goodies for your body. And they're super easy to make any way you want them. I like sweet and crunchy.
For today I made: Honey & cinnamon
+Pumpkin seeds from 2 small pumpkins
+2 tbs natural honey
+1tsp olive oil to keep from sticking to the pan
+And cinnamon to taste....
How to: preheat oven to 325°
+Clean and dry pumpkin seeds
+Put them in a bowl and mix in the honey
+Spread the olive oil on a cookie sheet
+Spread pumpkin seeds flat
+sprinkle with cinnamon and put them in the oven for 30 mins
Take them out and place in a bowl or something while they're still hot. Once the honey dries it will stick to the pan like cement. :)
Now cool and enjoy! <3
If you like salty... Come back tomorrow for a new recipe!