Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Coaching with Beachbody has been amazing. This past year I have been able to help people reach their health and fitness goals. I can't even begin to tell you how rewarding it is to help others feel amazing about themselves.
On top of that I have paid off two of my credit cards and have put money into a savings account for both of my kids. I've been a stay at home mom for 6 years now and sometimes I felt so bad that I wasn't bringing anything to the table monetarily. Now, this is something my husband and I agreed on and we both think that me being home with the kids has been beneficial for them and me, but it did stink having to buy my husband gifts with "his" money. I was able to buy his birthday gifts for him this year with money I earned while getting to still stay home with my girls. I have had nothing but GOOD come from being a coach. Now I want to offer this feeling to some of you! I have 3 spots left for my upcoming FREE coach training group. If you can relate to my story or if this sounds like something you might be interested in, come join my group and see what its all about and decide if maybe this is for you!

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