Day 5... well, I didn't push myself with this workout. I mean, I finished the workout but I just didn't feel like I was pushing myself. I wasn't as out of breath, I wasn't as sweaty and I wasn't feeling it. It felt like a lazy workout.
Then for dinner I had an enormous burrito. I figured I haven't "cheated" in a couple weeks so I could have the burrito.
Day 6... I really need to push myself today.
I dropped Monster off at school and was so dead tired thanks to Monkey who thinks its cool to wake up every hour and cry and cry and cry. :( I went back to bed as soon as I got home because monkey fell asleep. She and I stayed asleep til almost 11. I feel like Ive wasted my day! I like to get my workout overwith before 9. So I got out of bed, got some coffee, set some salmon aside with marinade and got to the workout.
I don't know If its that burrito I had or what but I have an awful sharp pain in my right side. It feels like a running cramp but closer to my hip and its only when Im doing jumping jacks.
So I got through half the workout and gave up.
Right now I am hydrating and Im going to start the workout over (feels like cheating if I do half, take a long break and then do the other half... I need to do the video in full.)
So... I will post again possible after I pick up Monster from school.

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